Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Abiotic and Biotic Factors of the Mediterranean- 39°28'13.98"N 16°17'46.46"E

Abiotic Factors: hot, dry summers, cool-moist winters; thin, nutrient-poor soils; and periodic fires. Location: Primarily in coastal areas with Mediterranean climates. About 300 N and S of the equator.

Biotic Factors: 
Mostly low-lying shrubs and small trees, many plants have leathery leaves to resist water loss, many plant species have oils in leaves to help them resist fire...the fire will take out “weaker” plants that don’t belong. For animals, camouflage, to avoid predation. Food, many animals will change their diet as the season changes.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. thank you it's very interesting
